Name: Charlene Downes

Date of Disappearance: November 1st, 2003

Age at time of disappearance: 14

Physical description: Female, caucasian, 5ft 1in, slim, straight, shoulder length, brown hair, blue eyes. 

Last seen: Charlene was last seen by a friend in Blackpool town centre at around 10:30pm on the night of November 1st, 2003, heading off in the direction of an alleyway near a road called Abingdon Street. 

Circumstances of disappearance: Charlene was last seen by her family on Church St in Blackpool town centre, England at around 6:45pm, where her mother Karen was leafleting for a local restaurant. She met some friends and then headed off in the direction of the Winter Gardens entertainment complex. She had a drink in a bar called Carousel before heading off in the direction of an alleyway near Abingdon Street, at around 10:30pm. She’s never been seen since.

Who can Help:

  • There has been lots of speculation about Charlene’s case over the years. Lots of stories and claims have been reported, and many of them without any basis in known facts. So, her family asks you to disregard what you think you may know about this case - and listen to the episode. Perhaps there will be some details which will make you think differently, and which may help point to what happened to Charlene.